Thursday, March 02, 2006

yo quiero shit sandwich

Living in America: a Guide for the Perplexed Chapter 10

I might as well answer the question that's on everyone's mind: am I obsessed with damn tacos? The answer is no, I hardly ever think about tacos... except when I'm watching teevee. Then it's hard not to notice that someone wants me to eat them very badly, so badly that I have to be reminded every fifteen minutes. By a small talking dog. Maybe this is just me but it fills my heart with rage.

Fast food should be called volume food anyway, since that's what it's all about. I get assaulted by a taco commercial every time I turn on the teevee because a few men are getting very very wealthy just moving a fantastic volume of reconstituted =food.= The times when people really eat a lot of fast food, it isn't fast, and when it is fast, it isn't good. It's cold and stale. Leaving the mystery of why people eat so goddamn much of it.

Well, here's your subversion of the day: I'm going to risk professional assasination by the minions of the volume food dogs and reveal the five secret ingredients that make fast food well-nigh irresistable:

animal fats





klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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