Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mister 300

A little aside from the current temporal stream as I hit the 300th entry of the mess that It's Rome, Baby! has become. Most of what has appeared recently was written between 1998 and say 2003. I'm not blogging, here, really, for the most part. I'm archiving. I know that in one of the four or five inconsistent "explanations" of this thing I said I was really just in it again to make money off of Google's AdSense. This is kind of a joke because I average about 50 cents a month off the ads, which means it will take around seventeen years to crack the hundred dollar point that signals a Google payoff. I would very much like to know what all of those "never gonna make it" AdSense balances for failed media moguls like myself really add up to in terms of money Google owes but probably will never have to pay out. I'm quite certain this is not a piece of information that will be forthcoming anytime soon. Anyway.

Actually, I think it is just a matter that the material is there, good or bad, I'm giving it its platform, no matter that it is a tiny speck in a sea of tiny specks, it's out there. I read the stuff like "The neoshamanist who relegates science to the position of another killjoy institution of the Patriarchy is comitting exactly the same error as the closet social-darwinist physicists who insist that science has (or at least should) set us free from any superstitious belief in agencies or forces that defy understanding or operate outside of the tiny slice of phenomenological possibility that are accounted for by our formalized languages so far" and I just wonder, why the hell do I bother writing that down? I mean, it seems more or less true (though after years of wasting time in public discussion forums I can see just where yahoos of one ideological stripe or another would misinterpret what I'm trying to say) and not badly put to me, but really. Would anyone ever actually slog through a chunk of sesquipedalian prose, let alone try to parse what it actually says? Was I just trying to be a smarty pants, or did I actually feel compelled to record that thought. I can certainly remember being somewhat fixated on thoughts of this manner, so perhaps I can give myself the benefit of the doubt. But seriously: not likely to pop up on Boing Boing anytime soon. If long disjointed rants are the order of the day there are no doubt more entertaining (and short spoken) lunatics out there.

I'm still sort of bemused by the whole supposed phenomenon of "blogging." When I started experimenting with the form I assumed that it was just essentially a self-publishing thing. People were all into it to get a showcase for their unpublishable stuff. But what I saw was that most people were using it as a vehicle to become unlicensed syndicators of mainstream content. Now, I'm certainly not one to get all up in arms about people's intellectual "property" but I'm also not interested in reading what amounts, 90% of the time, to some obnoxious stranger reading paragraphs of the paper out loud and then making comments about them. The feeling is I'm sure mutual, so. To me it's just an html word processor and free webhosting. There's no reason not to, nobody is going to be tracking me down to try and get me to print the Kingdom Come Institute Book, and I'm certainly not going to pony up the money myself or go through the rigamarole and expense of setting up with one of these POD publishers. So I'm archiving it, and very nearly everything else I've got left sitting around in digital document format, online, giving me permission I suppose to stick the original files in some sort of final archive folder and forget about it, at last, move on to something new.

Once upon a time all the KCI stuff was going to end up as a component of my overarching text domain, Digging through the paper archives the other day I realized that this domain is set to expire in 5 days and at this point I'm inclined to just let it slide. It's the snappiest domain name I've yet owned, which is maybe not saying much, but nevertheless, money is money and it's already been parking to no aim or purpose for 5 year. I remember just when I bought it. I was just about to get married. Now I am a dad and more or less self employed and both myself and the world are very different to the extent of being well-nigh unrecognizable. And the unfinished corpus of the Kingdome Come Institute is getting online at last.

There are about 140 of the KCI essays, interspersed with the occasional song, left to go up. After that remains only pentagon/files, which I won't put up unless I intend to finish it. At this moment I do actually intend to finish it, there are 65 chapters done and I think about 35 to go, an even hundred should do it.

After that I don't know what I'll do with this locus. I might just let it rot or I suppose I might start generating original material again. For now, today, this instant... I think I'll knock off early for the rest of the week.

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