I review I preview I see that there is a hidden technique and a vile social control device hidden in the arrangement of my keyboard keys. the secret of the automatic writing is to completely lose conciousness of what is written snd so to allow what s written to become itself there are errors aon the keyboard that are not possible when wrtiing longhand, when you are writing something iin a normal fashion iit is not for wexample likely that you will write a comletely disparate letter or simply fail to wrote a letter completely but wit the keyboard these things are ver y easily done resulting in a strange desire to constantlky monitor the thing that is to be nmerely experienced and not subk=jected to the issues that ar5e the basoc aspecr thatr uolj aere trik nfa to acheienve htere is a sperceioa skill to the tylewriet the keiviadr that we have inheriertefd that allowsd a oefculiar kinf ofd reaction that notnngf else can ral;y approcimate
klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.
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