This "explanation" was written a long while back, and the blog it describes doesn't exist anymore, or rather, it was subsumed into something more expansive, which is best described, if you somehow stumbled upon here without going through the front door, at what I guess you'd have to call the "home page." But I guess you can read this for historical interest, if you like, there are a couple other historical notes in italics
Ah. Sweet Silence.
The quick lowdown on what's up here. This started as a contemporary culture comment blog which turned out to be way more work than it was worse, so I quit. Then I quit all the other blogs as well except for the dubious Phree Musique USA blog, which I started.
Note, later: I've give up trying to keep up with my shifting production of blogs (which habit is getting very turn-of-the-century these days, but I was always a creative anachronism). I am trying to cull bad links as I find them. I'll leave the core verbiage mainly intact anyway for the historical record.
Then I said to myself, well, if I leave all this shamefulness in place for the simple ignoble purpose of making money, and that ad (ala google adsense) nonsense is already set up over there on Rome. And by all that is IPO I am going to get a hundred dollar ad revenue check from those bastards, if it takes me until I am 95. Google's share price is over 470 clams a pop, I think a solitary benjamin is not a whole hell of a lot to ask.
However, this is a tall order. A review of recent Adsense activity demonstrates something that might possibly be called a trend:
Earnings History
Sep 30, 2005 $4.99
Oct 31, 2005 $2.06
Nov 30, 2005 $0.29
Dec 31, 2005 $0.07
As you can see I'm pretty much facing a Xeno's Paradox sort of thing, I'll never make it to a hundred even though I will never stop generating revenue. January's take is set to be about 2 cents and with over 90 bucks to go it's clear that won't make the nut.
Note later - ultimately, WRT Google Adsense - I
cancelled my subscription to that revenue non-source (well I made all of
12 bucks off it over my tenure when they finally paid me out after I shut it down - the only way to get a payout under $100, incidentally) many years ago when they changed
the terms of service to require you to have a privacy statement on any
Adsense linked material that basically said you gave Google the right to
track your readers any damn way they pleased. Which is not to say
Google isn't tracking you any damn way they please, including occasional
drive-by sucking of illegal data out of your home Wi-Fi. I just am not
going to personally put a statement on my writing condoning it. Hence,
no adsense for me. I actually can't, I now find, condone using
auto-generated ads at all - I feel it constitutes personally, tacitly
condoning the contents of ads I have nothing to do with and which are,
frankly, sketchy as a rule rather than an exception. But that is a
different and longer essay.
One of the things I figured out last year is that promotion, at least in the context of publishing a blog, bored me. This is a problem, a big problem. My solution is, I'm just going to go for volume instead. I'm going to throw everything but the kitchen sink in here, starting with most of the old other blog entries. 33 Magazine needs to get retired anyway, it's 2006 now and I'm 34.
But there's all sorts of never before published, and hell probably some not-yet-written, text out there as well. The point is, I am eschewing every form of rational wisdom on creating a reader base. I'm going for the total random net thing. More text, bigger net, that's all. My problem is, I think, that I tend to take things too seriously.
So without further ado.
It’s Rome, Baby! Home
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