Sunday, March 05, 2006


Living in America: a Guide for the Perplexed Chapter 5

Coffee is so much not a drug that it is actually complementary in your better workplaces. It's your masters' way of saying "we realize that your soulless empty existence of quiet desperation makes it very difficult to face consciousness in the morning."

As an interesting footnote, Bach actually wrote a cantata on the subject of coffee... He was quite a fiend for the brew, so they say. It probably helped him keep up with what was admittedly a very punishing schedule in his old age. Anyway: coffee, being a product of the new world, was a relatively new arrival and like all newly discovered mind-altering substances that are not drugs, it caused a lot of controversy. The cantata involves a young lady who has acquired a serious coffee habit. Her father discovers her vice and dictates that she will not be allowed to marry unless she swears off the devil's black bile. She agrees, but the joke is on her father: later, with her betrothed, she extracts a promise that if she is to marry her beloved, he must promise to never deny her her coffee.

klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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