Thursday, March 02, 2006


I'm so tired of the internet. I mean, it's marvelous, it's great, sure, but do I really need another avenue, another vector for every Tom, Dick, and Harry's stupid opinion? I'm angry enough as it is. The thing is, I just read page after page after page of issue activism. Constant press releases at work, constantly the internet, the newspaper, the half-heard conversation on the bus. Right wing, left wing, x-wing, chicken wing. I was just reading some piece of crap anti-feminist screed newsletter, and what astonishes me is that the content, quality and tone of this man's rhetoric is EXACTLY THE SAME as that of the so called "extreme feminism" that he's claiming to be the necessary answer to. I noticed this back in college: the super right wing christian types behaved in exactly the same manner as the hard-core atheist humanist liberals. Both were contentious to a fault, completely immune to contrary argument, and happiest when they were setting up their nemesis as a straw-man opponent and getting ready to take a few pokes with a sharp stick. What do these incredibly disparate groups have in common? Mean-spiritedness, exclusively dualistic logical sensibilities, and closed minds. Only the viewpoint differs.

Every time I read something of this nature I immediately want to reply to the author, which just goes to prove that I haven't come as far as I'd like to think I have. On the other hand, I almost never do, so I guess I've gotten somewhere. It took a long time but I finally saw the truth: That the left and the right are just two sides of the same devalued coin. Their political and societal capital is realized purely in the context of their conflict with one another. One could literally not exist without the other. Why should such a sick symbiosis exist? Well, maybe it's human nature, but on the other hand it's hard to ignore the fact that by having these false extremes, it becomes efectively impossible for the voting populace to consolidate behind a non-major-party (which is the same as saying non-wealth) controlled candidate in the elective process. Damn, that's handy for... Someone...

But that's fine, it's all illusory. I simply pursue my truth, I follow my light and I do the work that is given to me. Noone is important enough to justify such anger. It is a truth I have trouble living every day, it is true. But that is just another stone on the path I trod.

klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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