Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Security Update

Notice how the OHS eventually just stopped trying to get us to figure out how to survive a terrist attack? "Kiss your ass goodbye."

Office of Homeland Security

Personal Security Update 2-12-03

A widespread response to recent bulletins on securing the home from chemical, biological or radiological attacks is to note that the use of plastic sheeting and duct tape is ineffective in a non-home (“outside”) setting. This security update bulletin is intended to supplement your disaster preparation strategies for these contingencies.

The OHS recommends that Americans leaving the secured home environment carry the following supplies at all times:

-One (1) large, airtight, clear (important) plastic bag (e.g. dry-cleaning bag). The bag should be inflated and checked for security breaches prior to use as a personal security device.

-One (1) large elastic binder (“rubber band”).

In the event of a chemical, biological, or radiological emergency situation in the non-home environment, IMMEDIATELY deploy the disaster preparation kit. Place the bag over your head, insuring that the head is completely covered. The elastic binder should be used to securely seal the bag around the neck. Once the disaster preparations are complete, assume a tightly contracted position with arms covering head (i.e., the “fetal” position) and await a OHE-deployed emergency management team to provide further instructions. Rest assured that your local fire, police, and emergency facilities are being provided with disaster preparation strategies as sensible and strategically planned as what the Department of Homeland Security offers you, the individual American Citizen.

this is what is up with this.

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