Tuesday, February 28, 2006

from the word go

Napkin, notepad, ballpoint or printer? A science type may tell you that math is the universal language because it carries no value judgement (amazingly many can utter such monstrosity without irony or humor). Now, I've got nothing against math, I've done a lot of math in my day. But I know that the math men will not tell you that math cannot exist without text, without normal language, and that every attempt to normalize math beyond the necessities of text has failed. Math is a construct of text. So if the universe runs on math that means the universe runs on text and that is thermodynamic predestination in a nutshell. Matha nd the common man. Suddenly your reading of these very words carries a potentially chilling significance. Your eyes are twisting space time into meaning, twisting in the terrible light that fills my own eyes at this moment, seeing backwards and forwards in time, as I deftly cross an imaginary line and deliver the punchline to the library of babel.

Napkin, notepad, ballpoint or maybe just light (and even moreso darkness), it doesn't matter - no matter how I put these words down they would have found you eventually because they were meant for you, I inscribed your name on this bullet of thought long before the words I'm using to express it were invented. So riddle this: Why are you reading, and what have you learned? Are you under compulsion, or are your free? Can you stop?

klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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