Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mxttxll Meet Mxphxstxphxlxs

The ultimate killer app of the digital age will be found in the power of paper. When the true digital analog of paper appears then our next paradigm will have arrived. They'll be forced to perfect quantum computers just to deal with all the digital paperwork. That is, after all, why they invented the ordinary kind that have, in case you missed it, =revolutionized= our lives.

If you build it they will come. The genius of paper is that it is egalitarian, friend to ink, paint, graphite or wax. Brush, point or nib, pen and pencil, or crayon, any color you like, silverpoint, charcoal, fountain pen, colored pencil, oil pastel, water color and tempora, lipstick, in a pinch blood still works. Why bother with a PDA?

But we were speaking of paper.

The day is not yet come for everything to change. T'sai Lun lives again, though, and even now is walking among us, though none know his name; nevertheless it is written in the annals of the Kingdom Come Institute.

This is relevent. The Celestial Jukebox, The Turing Machine, Goedel's Paradox Box, hell you can call it Squink Teevee if you want. A voice calling in an electronic wilderness. Preparing the way. The Information is preparing to transgress at last all artificial boundaries, indeed: it has already begun, for those who have ears to hear.

klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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