The fundamental precept of Realitation is the realization of maximum human potential through the optimal utilization of time. Did some bastard in a shiny suit convince you that he had the answer to your shitty existence? Did you go forth with enthusiastic response only to find that you were expected to part with a serious chunk of the dwindling capital the acquisition of which plays a majority role in the shitification of your life, and spend all kinds of your tiny reserve of =spare= time to boot? Does it all just seem like more of what you're trying to get away from? Hell yes? Then you may be ready for the revelation of Sleepitation.
Listen: if you've got the time to sit and fret about what the hell is wrong with you then chances are the first and foremost arena of wasted time in your miserable existence occurs when you aren't even concious. There are vast numbers of people in this modern world who are chronically sleep-deprived. Yet any person is physiologically capable of subsisting indefinitely on four hours of sleep. Like so many things it's the old cliche: not quantity but quality. The quality of our sleep is shattered by the false and venal architecture of ideas that we are forced to endure because of the bloated wills of the spider classes, the Shareholders.
Maximum sleep is impossible to the person inured into the single idea of the world of subverted accomplishment that most of us live in. Impossible, that is, without appropriate assistance.
Sleepitation is an auditory program that takes advantage of the malleable state of the quasiconcious mind (the irrational state just preceding sleep) and the unconcious mind to impose a state of deep meditiative trance during which a wordless liminal (acting at the threshold of perceptibility) message conveying the overriding reality of a higher order of being implicit in every breath is injected into the deep structures of the subject's mental architacture. It is effortless and automatic in action. Available only through Realitation's Sleepitation Institute, for such a modest consideration that you'll be suspicious that anything so cheap could COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE YOUR EXISTENCE.
klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.
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