Monday, February 27, 2006


Turn on the news on any given evening and you are likely to hear that there are a whole lot of people that are overweight out there. This is a meaningless assertion, weight being an exceptionally subjective measurement, and really, who's to say just how much mass any person actually requires? We at Realitation tend to believe that the body acquires additional mass in preparation for massive expenditures of creative energy. Unfortunately, most are induced to squander that energy in paradoxical and foredoomed efforts to simply divest the body of its necessary physical counterpart. Naturally the body sets about acquiring more energy reserves and a vicious cycle ensues that is once again flatly misinterpreted by the status quo.

It is much more accurate to say that a lot of us have a very fucked up relationship with food. The forms this disorder takes are legion, but they have one thing in common. They reject the natural and proper enjoyment that is inherent and absolutely essential in eating and replace it with destructive forms of enjoyment that induce guilt, meaningless bouts of undirected physical activity, protracted periods of numb-satiated semiconciousness, and a host of lesser and greater evils.

Eatitations is a series of 500 guided eating experiences designed to reaquaint the maladjusted mind with the joy that should be intrinsic in the act of taking sustenance. In combination with a dedicated program of nightly sleepitation, eatitations gently reprogram the poisoned mind, opening it to vistas of psychadelic clarity where the gentle and healing virtues of nourishment are experienced as if for the first time. Many describe the ongoing experience of practicing eatitation as a return to the enviable state of the infant, taking perfect satisfaction in sustenance at the holy tit, an experience not a few of you missed out on, and you better believe it's where your problems started. In a word, bliss. It helps to be hungry when you start, and of course it is vital to work the official Eatitations system, available for a laughably tiny donation to Eatitations at Realitation, dedicated to the restoration of the complete individual.

klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.

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