The mechanics of the collection of a million dollars seem to be a source of undying attention in the conventional sphere of the national dialogue. Who knows what the reasoning behind this arbitrary attention to a meaningless exponent?
The underlying mathematics are trivial, only the will is necessary. In this world where simply everyone is jumping into the game of printing money (=one world, one currency= indeed) where the credit card number has in essence become the equivalent of an electronic signature, it takes only the will to be counted to accumulate any seemingly significant sum. Five friends tell five friends tell five friends and somewhere around the ninth iteration a million dollars appears.
Doing this a fifty times over is tedium in the extreme, a long year's labor in overcoming people's innate suspicion of anything that seems to promise only a normal and reasonable return on investment. The sad fact is that the voting records alone can easily demonstrate that the majority of people are not interested in harnessing the diffuse potency of the collective agency of an agreement. That's okay; you only need a million. That's less than one person in six thousand, most of those preselected on the basis of the fact that they actually have the ability to kiss fifty bucks goodbye.
When you think about the machanics of the system under which we allow ourselves to carry out human endeavor it is frankly astonishing that we get anything done at all, but there it is. This is simply an exercise and an object lesson in operations which occur ten thousand times a day in each of our lives, the importance of which is ignored by all.
klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.
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