It has already begun. It is inside you right now, I know it because you are reading these words. And no, reading the words does not make it happen, and reading the words is not necessary for it to happen, but because you read these words I know that it is happening. And that is all the explanation or justification of fate, of omniscience, of manifest destiny you need. I only ask one thing of you:
Call it forward. Don't break the chain. As soon as you are done reading this, open your ears and listen because you are being sent as a messenger. Someone is about to speak to you. It may be someone you have known all your life or it may be a complete stranger. What the say may seem to lack sense or relevance: it doesn't matter. It isn't important that you understand it. All that matters is this:
Breathe in. And as you breathe listen, listen as hard as you can, listen harder than you have ever listened in your life. If the words they speak seem inane listen harder, as if you're getting vital directions over a bad phone connection. Breathe in, try to piece through the static. Listen to them. Only if you listen to them, breathe in their words like the breath of life, can you give them the message, and preserve the chain.
Breathe out. Their message is in that breath, their words given back to them, transformed into a seed. Now it is in them as well. There is no need to tell them what has just transpired. It won't make any difference. There is no need to tell them to call the prayer chain forward. They will receive instructions at the appointed time. Your work is completed: you can go back to your own breathing.
Knowing: one day the last breath will come and there will be no more prayers from you. You will give up the ghost and the earth will be inherited by other walking spirits, and so on, and so on, until you are long forgotten, until we are all long forgotten. But the truth you breathe will live on forever, in you wherever you are, and in the world you leave behind.
klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.
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