It's here, now, but here and now don't make no fuckin' sense. Living in a country that's had its fucking heart cut out, if it ever had one. Living in a country future historians, always assuming there ARE future historians, will call the beginning of the end. Where it really started. Not when Columbus landed, no. I don't think so. Back then, imperialism, it was just a vision, a dream. Little pockets that should have devoured each other, been devoured by their surroundings.
No. When men got together. And wrote something that sounded very much different, but what it meant, oh, what it meant was something like this...
We hold these truths to be self evident, that to the few has been given the unalienable right to devour what exists and to disgorge what is the pleasure of the few. To secure this right, government is imposed upon the many by the few, deriving its power from the divine edict of force.
And so on.
So the cancer was born. I do not know if the cancer is malignant enough to destroy this pretty water planet. I know well enough that barring, say, the second coming, I will not live to see the resolution, the end. Not in the classical sense, anyway.
Listen, nature is amoral, but she is absolute. That which is unable to sustain its life, dies. That which is unable to sustain progeny, dies absolutely. Get it?
klik if you demand tedious explanations of every little thing.
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